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Hello everyone!

Please visit the website: link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dy0U4rnpXWpuuRONIENvpA input password extraction package: Each student need get 10 articles in Excel file according to the name order on the wiki page. For example, classmate 1, get No. 1-10 articles, 2 students receive No.11-20, and so on.Click on the article number in Excel file to open the related articles.

Please analyze at least five articles in your hand to verify the correctness of the classification. After that, please write your learning results in the web pages under your name. In session 2, we'll delve into what each category in the Classification Framework represents, after session 2, please check your former answers on the Wikipedia page and record the results of the other five remaining articles on your Wikipedia page as assignments for this course.

At the end of the second course, assignments will be graded at full scale, with each article categorized into 10 points. The specific writing format and grading criteria are as follows:

Please note that under the classification of "genre", there is a "x", unfortunately it was not included in the PPT presentation. It refers to papers that are not about education at all. That might be for two reasons:They are not research papers – they might be book reviews or introductions to journal issues. They are carried out in another discipline – like medicine. This may happen if an academic has moved disciplines but their papers are acknowledged on the website of their new department affiliation (Education).

For example:

The title of Article 1 is:.... Note: Please write down the title of the article or the number of the article based on excel file. (10 points for each question)
Classification results:
1. System level / edu practice / actors: agree; Because.... Note: The result of the classification only answers "agree" or "disagree", and accounted for 1; Please be sure to specify the reason in Chinese, the reason accounted for 1. (a total of 2 points).
2. educ sector: agree; Because... (a total of 2 points)
3. research method: disagree; Because... (a total of 2 points)
4. subs: agree; Because... (a total of 2 points)
5. genre: agree; Because... (a total of 2 points)

The second topic is:...


请大家登陆网址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dy0U4rnpXWpuuRONIENvpA 输入密码提取文件包:

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IfdCZmCa5MfFcDKFCP34Wg 输入密码 o4df 提取PPT session1

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YUDq2hxVs9OKdEuTAxIE6A 密码:njbc 提取PPT session2

非常重要 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YhZ9XHql2iRcm2Ye6hOqVQ 密码: 8i3t 提取编码说明(codebook)


请大家结合今天所学习的内容 Classification framework,结合自己的理解,分析手中的至少5篇文章,核查分类是否正确。之后,请大家在各自名下的网页中写明你们的学习结果。我们将在session 2中,深入学习Classification framework中的每个分类所代表的内涵,并在课程结束后,请大家检查自己维基网页中的回答的正确性,并把剩下的5篇文章的核对结果也记录在我们的维基网页上,作为此次课程的作业。






篇1题目为:........, 注明:请大家一定要写明文章的题目或者文章在excel中的号码。(每题共10分)

1. system level/edu practice/actors: agree;因为...., 注明:分类结果只回答“agree”或者“disagree", 占1分;请大家一定要写明原因,原因用中文写作即可,原因占1分。(此条共2分)
2. educ sector: agree; 因为.... (此条共2分)
3. research method: disagree; 因为....(此条共2分)
4. subs: agree; 因为....(此条共2分)
5. genre: agree; 因为...(此条共2分)

